Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bieber Fever!

Justin Bieber is not well liked here.  I am not sure what the poor kid did to deserve this hatred, but for some reason our kids pick on him and joke about him.  I asked them the other day if they knew any songs he sang.  The didn't.  I am not sure if they would recognize one if they heard it.

Anyway, a couple of nights ago, John thought he would be funny.  He found a Justin Bieber song and was playing it on his computer.  Avery walked into the room and John asked her if she liked the song.  She thought for a minute.  Then he told her it was a new Miley Cyrus song.  Oh, yea, she liked it all right.  She started dancing around the room with Yummers.  Then he dropped the bomb.  It was, in fact, Bieber.  Her reaction was priceless.  Doors were slammed.  Dads were screamed at.  Tears were shed. 

Apparently it was NOT funny.

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