Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Still sick

This is what life looked like around our house today.  Much the same as yesterday.  Everyone stayed in their pajamas for most of the day.  Nobody went to school.  In retrospect, I probably could have sent Nathan and Brady, but I had been up most of the night with other sick kids, so my judgement was a little impaired this morning.  And I didn't really have the energy to get kids ready for school anyway.  

John must be feeling marginally better, at least.  I didn't get any phone calls from the upstairs bedroom today, asking me to come and feel his hands to see if they felt cold.  Cute sick boy.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Everyone is sick around here.  Okay, maybe not everyone.  But it sure feels like it.

I was laying in bed last night, so proud of myself for getting everything done and being in bed by 10:00, when it started.  I heard some rustling around, but assumed that it was someone just getting up to go to the bathroom.  Then Brady appeared in our doorway.  "Dad, I threw up a little in my bed."


Poor boy.  What seven year old do you know who, without making a sound or complaining, throws up all over himself in his bed, then gets up, changes his clothes, washes up, and only comes in for help when he can't find a new pillow case.  It turns out he needed much more than a new pillow case, and spent the rest of the night on our floor, where he only threw up one more time at some point during the night (I was half asleep as I cleaned up the blankets and got him new ones).

John is also sick.  He is not as good of a sick person as Brady is, but I have to give him some credit because he is much better than he used to be.  No more laying under the covers shivering and groaning.   He is upstairs taking a nap as we speak.  We will see if he makes it to class tonight.

And about 30 minutes ago, I got a call from the school nurse.  Isaac was in her office, sitting in her bathroom, ready to throw up at any moment.  I raced to the school (in John's vinyl-covered-seat truck) to pick him up.  He showed no signs of being sick this morning, but is now up in his bed, asleep.  He must be genuinely sick, otherwise he would have argued and bantered more about Brady playing Wii while he, on the other hand, was being sent to bed.

So much for my productive Monday plans of getting the house in tip-top shape after the weekend, and getting myself on the treadmill.  I am waist-deep in laundry instead.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pinewood Derby and Dolls

As I am sitting here typing this, I have 8 nine-year-old girls in my living room watching "Princess Diaries," positively Avery's favorite movie.  Actually, it's a toss-up between Part 1 and Part 2 for her, but I think she has seen each one at least 20 times.  It is such a sweet, good, friendly, energetic group of girls that she has made friends with, and I am so grateful.  Two are girls from church, one is our backyard neighbor, and the rest are friends from school.

Avery wanted to have an American Girl doll party, but we were afraid that some girls may not have a doll to bring.  So we ended up changing it up a bit, and now, in addition to the girls, I have 8 dolls or stuffed animals sitting in there, pretending to eat doll size cup cakes.  For our craft, the girls decorated doll size backpacks that I made, and then filled them with doll size school supplies (miniature paint set, notebook, coloring book, pen, and folders with homework).  Then we played some crazy balloon and hula hoop games in the basement, complete with LOTS of loud screaming and squealing.  And now, after filling up on pizza and fruit, they are quietly sitting and nibbling on sweets.  It has been a fun party. 

Not to be outdone, Isaac had quite a stellar showing at the Pinewood Derby this afternoon.  Although he didn't win the race, he did get a lot of compliments on his "Jimmer" car.  Isaac did the design, sanding and painting himself, then recruited John for help on sanding the axles and wheels.  They spent all morning together, drilling, weighing, positioning wheels.  I could hear them in the basement working and it made me smile to hear John so patient and kind, and Isaac so eager.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

NOT American Idol Fans

John has a pretty crazy schedule this semester.  He is doing an internship with a private equity firm downtown, which means that he had to schedule most of his classes in the evening, and doesn't get home until 10:30 or so.   Factor in time for homework, group meetings and projects, and other responsibilities at school (like LDS business club, etc.) and it means that he is rarely home when the kids are awake.  Tuesday evenings are the one exception, because he doesn't have any classes on Tuesday.  Hooray!

Because he was home last night, he wanted to spend some fun time with the kids.  He told them that if they hurried and got ready for bed, he would let them watch American Idol.  Wow!  What a treat!  We all piled on our bed, tuned the antenna to FOX, and enjoyed the show.  The kids were in bed by 8:30.

Fast forward to this morning. 

Because Will went to bed so late, he didn't sleep well and woke up around 5:30, crying and waking up Avery.  Avery got him out of bed and turned on her light so that they could play around in her room for a few minutes.  Around 5:45, Nathan wandered into our bedroom, no doubt awakened by Avery and Yummy and her light shining into his room.  The morning was a downward spiral after that.  Nathan wandered around complaining most of the morning.  Brady wouldn't get out of bed until 7:00.  Isaac couldn't focus on anything to save his life and walked around half dressed playing with Lego's.  Avery was the only one who managed to get all her jobs done.  But because everyone was all over the place, we didn't have family scripture study, and said a quick, terse, family prayer (without John) while running out the door.

This afternoon was more of the same, only by this time Avery's lack of sleep had caught up with her.  Watch out!  It was nearly two hours of sassing and finger-pointing and foot stomping and me sending her to her room until her homework was finished.  Brady walked around with his neck stuck out and his bottom lip stuck out.  I still haven't figured out why.  Will, who is usually so laid back, was extra clingy.  And according to Nathan I am the meanest mom ever. 

Finally, around 4:45, I broke my own "no screen time on school days" rule and let Isaac play computer and Avery and Nathan play the Wii just so there would be some peace while I made dinner.  I broke my other rule and let them eat while watching each other play Wii, just so I didn't start a rebellion when I told them to turn it off.  I managed to get Will to eat half a hot dog, two spoonfuls of yogurt, and a handful of raspberries by spoon feeding him while he was taking a bubble bath.   Then I tucked them all in, hugging and kissing and loving them extra sweetly.  They were all in bed by 6:46.

And I am exhausted. 

We will NOT be watching American Idol this season.

On a lighter note, here are my favorite quotes from the afternoon.  Great comic relief.

Avery while playing Wii:  Isaac!  Move-uh.  Your-uh.  Big-uh.  Head-uh.

Isaac trying to convince Brady that he would be a better Wii partner than anyone else:  Brady, Brady, I will be an expert at the Phineas and Ferb game.   I'm an expert at everything.  That's because I get good grades.


Nathan to Mom after I took his contraband snowman flashlight from underneath his covers right before bed:  I like Dad way better than you.


John and I finally gave in this year and joined the ranks of great parents who indulge their kids with virtual play.  Yep.  After literally years of begging, pleading, guilting and convincing, we bought them a Wii for Christmas.  John and I have now earned hero status around our house. 

And if I am being honest, Just Dance is a pretty darn fun workout. 

This is Brady on the Wii at Target the other night while we were trying to pass time waiting for our buzzer for Texas Road House to go off.  Pretty entertaining.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Birthday, Avery

Last Friday Avery celebrated her 9th birthday.  We also celebrated it on Saturday, and we will again this coming Saturday, but she is so worth it.  She is beautiful inside and out.  She is the best sister any brother could ask for; thoughtful but still rambunctious, fashionable yet still playful, sweet yet very sassy, spiritual yet still a little improper (the boys very much appreciate the fact that she will laugh at bodily noises first and THEN tell them they are soooooo gross).  I feel very blessed to be her mother and often wonder if I am too hard on her.  She is so close to being perfect, and sometimes I harp on the one percent of her that is not.

School comes so naturally for Avery.  She excels in everything, including making friends.   And, even though she managed to get the one teacher in the third grade who believes in giving hours and hours worth of homework and can sometimes be a little less than sweet, she is thriving.  If anyone could, it is Avery. 

Avery is a creator.  This year she learned to knit and to sew, and always has at least 5 projects in the works, including 2 scrap books.  I often find cards that she has created tucked under my pillow, or signs and drawings she has made taped to the walls and doors.  For Christmas she decided that she wanted to make presents for the boys.  She rummaged through my scrap fabric piles, and even through my fabric garbage, until she found some cast off fleece pieces which she skillfully turned into "TV and fort" pillows for each of the boys.

I often watch her with Will.  She is sweet and nurturing and patient and good.  I have loved being her mother.

Her birthday fell on a school day this year.  This has its plusses and minuses.  If you are a third grade girl, it is so good because it means that you get to hand out candy and treats to your class and your teachers and all day people get to tell you happy birthday!  On the other hand, if you are a third grade girl, it is so bad because you just want to stay home and you shouldn't have to do homework, or math or take spelling tests on your birthday.  We tried to offset this dilemma with a wonderful birthday breakfast, ice cream cake and opening gifts before school.  I think it may have worked, at least marginally.

Avery received a bin full of craft supplies from Grandma and Grandpa Anthony, which she has already used to make two friendship bracelets and many cards and notes.  Heaven in a big, purple, under-the-bed box.  From Grandma and Grandpa Hema she received a sweater that she has wanted since she saw it way back in August, and couldn't believe that Grandma had remembered the sweater.  Grandma's are funny like that.

In the saddle at Texas Road House

Saturday we drove up to Wisconsin to eat at Texas Road House, Avery's restaurant of choice.  Yum!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Last Saturday we finally had enough snow to go sledding!  The famed sledding hill around here, Mount Trashmore as it is known to the locals, was way overcrowded, so John and I overruled the kids and opted for the slightly smaller community center hill.  Our choice may also have had something to do with fact that the community center hill has close parking so we wouldn't have to trudge half a mile through knee deep snow carrying small children, but they didn't need to know that.

Wrestling, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Spirit

Last Friday night, we piled everyone in the van to go cheer for our favorite Northwestern University Wildcat, Brother Mele.  He is a champion wrestler on their wrestling team, and a darn good one at that. 

That, however, is not what he is famous for.  He has been on the news and featured in the papers many times for being the only athlete on campus who is married and has a child.  Funny, I think. 

Anyway, Friday night was designated Family Night, and what student family wouldn't be up for free hot dogs and drinks with a reduced price family ticket?  We were there plenty early so we could get our pick of seats (John wanted prime viewing), and avoid the long free hot dog lines.   Sometime in between Brother Mele getting injured ("Mom, why is that guy pulling Brother Mele's leg that way, doesn't that hurt?"), and me having and encounter with a VERY rude senior citizen snapping at my kids to move over and sit on my lap so that he could sit in their seat, Brady and I had a very enlightening conversation.

Brady:  Mom, I know a lot about that Martin Luther King guy.

Mom:  Oh, really?

Brady:  Yeah, Mom.  We learned about him in school.

Mom:  "I have a dream. . ."

Brady:  "That someday little black boys and girls can play with little white boys and girls."  (Biting his bottom lip so that it wouldn't quiver, and fighting back the tears threatening to spill over.)

Mom:  That's right Brady.

Brady:  (Afraid to speak, nodding and wiping his tears).

Mom:  Brady, do you know the reason you are crying?  It's because you feel the Spirit right now.  Heavenly Father sent the Holy Ghost to let you know that what you were saying was true, and that what Martin Luther King, Jr. was saying and teaching was true, and Heavenly Father wanted you to know that.  It doesn't matter what color your skin is, does it?

Brady:  Nope Mom, it doesn't.

I think we need to go to wrestling matches more often.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter has arrived. . . finally!

Winter has finally arrived in Chicago and it is swiftly making up for lost time.  It began snowing this morning at 10:00 at is still going strong.  I love it!

The kids sped through their homework today so they could play outside, and didn't come in until I called them in for dinner (for the 50th time).  Actually, Will lasted only 10 minutes.  The rest of the afternoon he spent on the step stool looking out the window at his guys playing.

Dear Johnny,

When are you going to come to terms with the fact that we live in Chicago, not Hawaii?  Slippers?  Seriously?

Isaac had his first choir concert tonight.  I am so proud of him for sticking with it, even though he was only one of seven boys, with, "like, a billion girls".  I know in 5th grade he may not appreciate that fact, but someday. . .

He sang like a champion and this mom could not have been prouder!  He even had a solo part, which he pulled off brilliantly!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Skunk

Last night when I came home from driving Isaac to cub scouts, it was very dark outside.  It didn't help that our backyard neighbors were not home, and John had been putting kids to bed, so there were no house lights on.  Anyway, I was on my way from the garage to the back kitchen door, when a thought came into my head to close the back gate.  Let me just say that we never close that gate unless Yummy is outside playing.  That gate is the kids' direct access to friends and fun at our neighbor's house, and the little ones have a hard time opening the latch.  I dismissed it, and stuck the key in the door.  The thought came again to close the gate.  Okay, I thought, although I have no idea why.  It's not like it can really keep out anything or anyone.  There is no lock and the fence is only like 3 feet high.  But I walked over to the gate and latched it closed for the night. 

This morning I woke up to the most foul smelling, strong skunk stench that I have ever smelled.  A skunk was wandering around in our neighbor's backyard last night and sprayed something.  This afternoon our house still smells bad.  But it could have been worse.  I am imagining a stranded skunk, wandering around our fenced yard on a dark night, not able to get out, and spraying the first thing that he sees in the morning.  My kiddos, or me, heading out to the van to go to school.  Thank you "Still, small voice."  You saved me some smelly headache and grief.

January, we love you

Who said Chicago winters were bad? 

Yesterday when I picked the kids up from school it was 58 degrees outside.  We ate our afterschool snack outside on the concrete slab while Isaac shot hoops and Avery did her homework.  Nathan dug in the mud and Brady talked to me about why his body was so healthy because he ate so many apples and carrots and not a lot of chips and queso, which is unhealthy. 

Sunshine is good for my mental health.  I sat outside and held Will all wrapped up in his beloved blanket for nearly 30 minutes.  He was a cranky pot waking up from his nap.

Because of the beautiful weather last Saturday, we all ventured out to a park just north of here, to shoot lasers at each other.  And here is where I thank Uncle Garrett, yet again, for the gift that allows my children to take out their pent up frustrations toward each other in a totally harmless way.  Best of all, it makes them run, and run hard, for however long I allow.  In this case, it was an hour!  Thanks for the exercise.