Thursday, May 17, 2012

A typical morning: snuggling and garbage trucks

Mornings around here are pretty routine.   The littlest ones wake first.  It is usually Nathan who is first to greet me in the morning, with his sweet, half-asleep, naturally scruffy voice.  I am usually awake, but still in bed, either just laying there trying to come to terms with the fact that it is morning already, or I am reading.  Either way, when Nathan arrives, he always climbs in bed with me and we snuggle for a while.  He is an exceptional snuggler.

Other mornings it is Will who wakes up first.  I usually hear him squirming around in there, and then my sweet, very responsible Avery brings him in to me, all snuggled in his blanket.  He doesn't want anyone else to get him out of bed in the morning.  Only Avery will do.  Then, when she has delivered her bundled package to me, we snuggle in bed, until Nathan arrives, or until Will demands to "watch trucks on your touch pad please, mom?" 

Then, this is what happens most mornings, at least for a few minutes until everyone gets going.  What is it about my boys and garbage trucks?  They could watch these YouTube videos of garbage trucks dumping garbage for hours.


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