Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween Part Three: Pumpkins and Dinner Anyone?

I love my husband.  I love that he is such an organized, planner type.  I love that when I send him to the store late Saturday night because I forgot to buy pumpkins to carve, and we have to get it done before Halloween on Monday, he not only goes to the store in the wee hours of the night while I snooze, but . . .

. . . he stays up even later, cutting, gutting, and cleaning that stinky, slimy, orange hairy stuff out of the pumpkins so that the kids (and mostly me) don't have to participate in that part.  Yuck!

Hooray for Johnny!

Here is what they came up with this year.

Every year on Halloween, before we go out trick-or-treating, we all sit down to a wonderfully creeptacular dinner.  In the past we have had Mush Brains (spaghetti and meatballs served out of a football helmet), Shrunken Heads (calzones), Fingers (garlic rolls shaped like fingers with pistachio shell fingernails),  and Spider Eggs  (fruit salad with whipped cream and Jello).   This is one of my favorite parts of Halloween!  I love coming up with new things to make, and most of the kids think it is hilarious.

Isaac hates it.

He has never eaten on Halloween.  Poor boy.  He can't seem to get past the idea that he could possibly be eating some football player's brains.  This year was no different.  I even made things that I was certain he loved.  I tried coaxing, and bribing, and begging, and everything else. 

He nibbled on a few bites of pork ribs.  Had a bite of a short, stubby bread stick, minus the fingernail.  But that was as far as he could go.

This year on the menu:

Harry's, may he rest in pieces, Ribs (citrus glazed pork ribs)
Brain Jello (with raspberries and whipped cream)
Fingers (topped with garlic and Parmesan butter)
Ghost Slime (Alfredo dipping sauce)
Witches Brew (soda with dry ice)

1 comment:

The Yosts said...

LOVE it! Did not expect to see a skeleton on the table! Hilarious!