Sunday, September 18, 2011

Anniversary Number Twelve!

Today is our anniversary, which kind of stinks because I woke up feeling sick, with a headache and a fever.  I even sent John to church by himself with all of the kiddos, that is just how rotten I feel.  I hate missing church.  This means I can't even kiss my Johnny because I don't want him to get sick.  Not this week.  This week starts his recruiting again, this time for a full time job, and he needs to be in tip top shape.   Unlike last winter, when he was recruiting for a summer internship, and we were both stressed out basket cases, this time we both feel incredibly peaceful, and full of faith that Heavenly Father will get us where he needs us to be.   I think we both learned a lot this summer.

John taking Yummers for a little walk.  Yummy thought it was the greatest thing ever!

We desperately wanted to go out and have some much needed alone time, to just talk as adults, and hold hands, but we couldn't find a babysitter.  And then there was the BYU bust game last night.  So unromantic. 

Honestly, I am content just to have him home again.  To play with the kids, to help with the dishes, to hold me and tuck me in bed, to go on long bike rides with, and to reassure me that things will all work out.  He is such a great man.  His faith astounds me.  He is kind, and patient and so, so funny with our kids.  He works tirelessly for our family, studying and learning and becoming who Heavenly Father wants him to be.  And he works so hard and selflessly gives so much to others.  I am thrilled that he is mine.  So here is to twelve wonderful, crazy, ever-changing, exciting years.  And many, many more to come. 

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