Monday, March 12, 2012

Duck Hourse

Half way through Sacrament meeting yesterday, Brady handed me this.

Duck Horse, by Brady Hema
Look, a horse.
That's not a horse, it's a Duck silly.
Look, the horse is about to eat a apple.
No, the Duck is about to eat a piece of bread.
Look, the horse is running in the grass.
No, the Duck is wading through the swamp.

Look through my binoculars and look at the horse.
Sorry, still a Duck.
Authors note on back cover:  Did you know I think it was a horse?
I love my creative kiddos.  Their drawings and writing give me insights into who they are and what they think about.  And I couldn't help but laugh out loud in the middle of Sacrament meeting when I finished reading this. 

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