Thursday, February 2, 2012


Isaac is still sick.  On the mend, yes, but still dehydrated.  He walks around the house doing what I like to call the "Grandpa Anthony-who-just-had-hernia-surgery" walk.  It's a little bent-over shuffle, complete with hands waving behind him.   It is slightly endearing.  But if I have to hear anymore about bodily functions, or monitor the bathroom habits of my nearly 11 year old, I may do something drastic. . . like eat another Oreo milk shake.

On a happier note. . .

When I went to get Yummers after his nap today, he wanted to bring his Elmo, and his Monster (Cookie Monster), his Tigger, his "more Monster" (other Cookie Monster), his Daisy the turtle AND his blanket downstairs with him.  Now all he wants to do is play "Ring around the Mommy, a pocket full of Mommy, ashes, ashes, we eat the monkey" and pretend to eat the monkey on his stomach.   He keeps saying "pocket mommy, pocket mommy", and how can anyone resist that?  He sure is a good one.

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