Thursday, October 13, 2011

Columbus Day Apple Picking

For a while now, I have been feeling the need to get out of the city and into the fresh smelling, slow moving, quiet country.  John thinks my obsession with rural living, with some animals and a big garden is a little over the top, but I don't really care.  I didn't exactly grow up in a metropolis.

Monday was the perfect day to escape.  The kids were out of school for Columbus Day, so Karen (my wonderful neighbor and friend) and I decided to go apple picking in Woodstock, Illinois, which is about a 90 minute drive northwest of here.  It was a beautiful day and the kids had so much fun running through the orchards, finding the perfect apples to pick.

After a little picnic, we came home and made apple crisp for Johnny's birthday.  Happy Birthday honey!  Here's to wishing you didn't have to spend it sitting in class!  We missed you!

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