Friday, March 16, 2012

Sure signs of Spring

Crocus blooming.

Tulips pushing their way up through the warming earth.

More daylight.

The kids playing outside until dinner time.

And this.

The most sure fire sign that Spring has arrived. . . our neighborhood Dairy Queen opened today.  Every morning on the way to school, and ever afternoon on our way home, the kids have been counting down with their little countdown sign for the last nine days.  I thought the building anticipation was sure to result in them trying to convince me to stop and buy some frozen concoction on opening day.  Surprisingly, I got no such requests.

This afternoon as we drove by and saw the lines of hungry people anxious to celebrate Spring, Isaac told me he didn't want to stop.  Too many people, too long of a wait, and too expensive, were all part of his argument.   Brady agreed.  Then Avery reminded me that last year when we stopped on opening day,  we stood inches from the cash register for nearly 20 minutes, while thousands (okay, well maybe not thousands, but it was close) of hungry, rude, teenage boys from the private high school across the street, cut in front of us.  Then, when I finally had enough and told them to move, the one at the front continued to order long distance for his buddies in the back.  Rude. 

It was all coming back to me now.

We opted for "Plan B," roasting hot dogs and marshmallows outside over our fire pit, telling stories and singing songs, another sure fire sign that our good weather is here to stay.  Hooray!

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