Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Break Begins

Kellogg had Spring Break this week. Johnny has been home mostly, job searching, going for bike rides with me, and job searching some more while Yummy naps and I am out running errands without children. The kids' Spring Break started today. I went to the library today and checked out several new movies and Wii games to help us (me mostly) get through the break, in case there is rain.

So tonight, after we had hot fudge sundaes, we let the kids stay up late and play a Michael Jackson dance Wii game. It was great fun. We were all hot and sweaty by about 8:30. By 8:45, Avery and Nathan had to be sent to bed because they couldn't stop arguing. Around 9:00 Avery was back down, arguing her point some more (i.e. she was in the right, Nathan was in the wrong). After she finished sweeping the floor, I took her back up to bed, along with Will, who at this point, was falling apart.

Brady and Isaac are still dancing as I type this. It is 9:52 p.m. They danced to "Just Beat It" probably 12 times.  Once they figured they had it sufficiently perfected, they moved on to "Black or White."  Brady can't just dance.  He has to be talking during the entire song.  So during their 3rd or 4th time through "Black or White", this was the conversation:

Brady:  Mom, Mom, you know that he is right in this song.  It doesn't matter if you are black or white.  It doesn't matter the color of your skin.  It just matters if you are a person.  Right Mom?

Me:  That's exactly right Brady.

Brady (still dancing):  Mom, did you know that black people used to be treated unfairly?  That was back during the nineteens.  (Yes, this is exactly how he said it).

Isaac:  Yeah, that was a long time ago.

Brady:  Mom who was the guy who ended slavery?

Me:  Abraham Lincoln.

Brady:  No Mom, the black guy.

Isaac:  Martin Luther King.

Brady:  Yeah, Martin Luther King. 

Isaac:  Did you know he got shot, Brady?

Brady:  Yeah.

Isaac:  He got shot before Abraham Lincoln.

I am sure that the school is teaching it right.  The reception is a little fuzzy though. We have all Spring Break to work on that.

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