There are two times each year when I really wish that homeschooling would work for our family: about three days after school starts in the fall, and about three days after the kids go back to school after Christmas break. I miss them. The first day is okay, and so is the second. But by the third day, my house is clean. My laundry is caught up. I have been grocery shopping, alone, and filled up the cupboards and the refrigerator. Last week, I even took a nap and read two books. And I missed my kids. Even the fighting and the messes and the hectic schedule. I love that I get to be their mom.
But now they are back in school. And it is a wonderful school, I might add. On Thursday I had to drop off Isaac's violin at school because he had forgotten it and it was his day for lessons. When I went into the office, the secretary just smiled and said to me "Did you know Brady can breathe through his eyeballs?"
Well, I knew Brady was extraordinarily tallented, but this? Who knew?
Here is the rest of the story. Brady had gone into the nurses office earlier that morning for a bloody nose. Apparently he had been hit in the face with a ball during P.E. After he got cleaned up, instead of heading out into the hallway and back to class, he detoured into the secretary's office.
Brady: Did you know I can breathe through my eyeballs?
Secretary: Really?
Brady: Yeah, wanna see?
(He then pinches his nose, and closes his lips and blows as hard as he can. According to the secretary, his face turned bright red, and his eyes were bugging out).
Brady: Did you see that?
Secretary: Wow!
Brady: Yeah, pretty cool, huh? (Then turns and proudly struts back to class).
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