John has a pretty crazy schedule this semester. He is doing an internship with a private equity firm downtown, which means that he had to schedule most of his classes in the evening, and doesn't get home until 10:30 or so. Factor in time for homework, group meetings and projects, and other responsibilities at school (like LDS business club, etc.) and it means that he is rarely home when the kids are awake. Tuesday evenings are the one exception, because he doesn't have any classes on Tuesday. Hooray!
Because he was home last night, he wanted to spend some fun time with the kids. He told them that if they hurried and got ready for bed, he would let them watch American Idol. Wow! What a treat! We all piled on our bed, tuned the antenna to FOX, and enjoyed the show. The kids were in bed by 8:30.
Fast forward to this morning.
Because Will went to bed so late, he didn't sleep well and woke up around 5:30, crying and waking up Avery. Avery got him out of bed and turned on her light so that they could play around in her room for a few minutes. Around 5:45, Nathan wandered into our bedroom, no doubt awakened by Avery and Yummy and her light shining into his room. The morning was a downward spiral after that. Nathan wandered around complaining most of the morning. Brady wouldn't get out of bed until 7:00. Isaac couldn't focus on anything to save his life and walked around half dressed playing with Lego's. Avery was the only one who managed to get all her jobs done. But because everyone was all over the place, we didn't have family scripture study, and said a quick, terse, family prayer (without John) while running out the door.
This afternoon was more of the same, only by this time Avery's lack of sleep had caught up with her. Watch out! It was nearly two hours of sassing and finger-pointing and foot stomping and me sending her to her room until her homework was finished. Brady walked around with his neck stuck out and his bottom lip stuck out. I still haven't figured out why. Will, who is usually so laid back, was extra clingy. And according to Nathan I am the meanest mom ever.
Finally, around 4:45, I broke my own "no screen time on school days" rule and let Isaac play computer and Avery and Nathan play the Wii just so there would be some peace while I made dinner. I broke my other rule and let them eat while watching each other play Wii, just so I didn't start a rebellion when I told them to turn it off. I managed to get Will to eat half a hot dog, two spoonfuls of yogurt, and a handful of raspberries by spoon feeding him while he was taking a bubble bath. Then I tucked them all in, hugging and kissing and loving them extra sweetly. They were all in bed by 6:46.
And I am exhausted.
We will NOT be watching American Idol this season.
On a lighter note, here are my favorite quotes from the afternoon. Great comic relief.
Avery while playing Wii: Isaac! Move-uh. Your-uh. Big-uh. Head-uh.
Isaac trying to convince Brady that he would be a better Wii partner than anyone else: Brady, Brady, I will be an expert at the Phineas and Ferb game. I'm an expert at everything. That's because I get good grades.
Nathan to Mom after I took his contraband snowman flashlight from underneath his covers right before bed: I like Dad way better than you.