I am realizing that our time here in Chicagoland is probably very limited. Despite the complete craziness of last year and this summer, the time has flown, and John will graduate only nine months from now. Granted, A LOT has to happen before we are finished, most importantly, finding a job for John, which I am certain will happen in its own due time. In the meantime, John and I made a list of things that we need to do before we leave this great city, one of which was to attend a Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field.
When my parents were here in June, Grandpa Anthony took John and Isaac to a game. They had a blast. Isaac even got a baseball helmet full of nachos. Heaven in a helmet for a 10 year old, I'd say. It even rivaled the all-you-can-eat seats at the Texas Rangers' games in Dallas. But the rest of the kids needed to be inside Wrigley Field, too. So, Monday night for Family Home Evening, we boarded the "L" (that's Chicago speak for Elevated Train) near our home, and rode to Wrigley.
On the "L" |
Wrigley Field is located right next to the "L", and from the train you can see the field and the bleachers that have been built on top of the row houses across the street to accommodate more fans. The kids have seen that from the train windows every time we go into the city, so they were so excited to finally be getting off at that stop. That particular evening the Cubs were playing the Milwaukee Brewers, and won by a score of 5-2. The weather was beautiful, the nachos delicious (even though they weren't out of a helmet), and the game fun. . . a bit long for unseasoned viewers, but still very fun.

We stood up during the 7th inning stretch and sang our hearts out to "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". Even Brady and Nathan, who didn't know the words tried to follow along. (What kind of mom am I? Really, two little boys who didn't know the baseball song? We fixed that on the train ride home. We sang the whole way. For me, definitely one of the highlights of the evening. . . Brady on my lap with a big smile, Avery sitting next to me leaning on my shoulder, Isaac across the isle singing with Dad who was holding a sleeping Yummy, and cute Nathan asleep in the stroller. I'll have to remember to teach him later).
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