Downtown Chicago has become one of our favorite places to visit. It might be because we have never truly lived in such a big city before (Dallas doesn't count - it is a sprawling city with a dead downtown), or because we know that our time here is most likely limited and want to squeeze it all in.
Saturday the kids decided that they had all saved enough allowance and they were ready to spend, so we headed to the city. Their favorite place to go is the Water Tower Center, a high rise mall right on the Magnificent Mile. There is a huge American Girl store there, and Avery could spend hours (and hundreds of dollars if she had it) in that store. It really is a fun place to visit, and we have taken both Grandma Anthony and Grandma Hema there. My own Grandma Willden adored dolls, and I always think of her when I am there. She would have absolutely loved it.
Situated right next to the American Girl store, is a huge Lego store that just opened this summer. Some mall planner finally got smart and made a place for brothers and dads to spend their time and hard earned allowance while they waited for moms and sisters. Both stores were decked out for the holidays already, and crowded with early holiday shoppers. I wish I would have taken a picture of the line at the Lego store that John stood in while the kids and I played games on the Lego computers. All the kids came out with empty wallets and big smiles. Avery purchased an outfit for her doll, Isaac and Brady both purchased Hero Factory Legos, and Nathan finally got his Ice Dragon Lego.
Yummy was such a good sport riding along in the stroller. His favorite part of the day was the Disney store, where he cuddled, kissed and squeezed every stuffed animal he could get his hands on.
Yummy was absolutely mesmerized by the sheer amount of stuffed animals available. |
John and I ventured into the city this morning on a date. We enlisted the help of our dear friend Valery to get our kids ready and drive them to school. She was such a good sport about getting here so early (even with two kids in tow). Then, when all the big kids were delivered to school, Karen came over and took Yummy to her house for the rest of the morning.
John and I left so early because we were booked for a segway tour of the city. The website had said that the tour would go on, rain or shine or snow, so even with the rain coming down, we set off. I called to confirm on our way, but no one answered. Then, about 8:40, five minutes before our tour was to start, they called to say they were not going out. Since we were already in the city, we decided to make a morning of it. We saw the big Christmas tree that is being set up and decorated. We walked the financial district so John could show me where he will be working as an intern (UNPAID intern he keeps reminding me) starting in January. Then we stopped for breakfast at
Ronny's Steak House and ate ourselves sick. It was a great morning.